Why did you choose the DSI?
A very important point for me was the question of how I would finance my studies and my everyday life. As I had no desire to work a part-time job alongside my studies, the only option for me was a dual study program. The DSI also gave me the opportunity to gain experience that would benefit my studies.
What was the atmosphere like at Bremen University of Applied Sciences?
You quickly find a group with whom you can have lunch together, study and work on projects. As a result, the working atmosphere is quite good. You can always keep this in mind: People have chosen to study and are not obliged to do so like at school. As a result, the work ethic is generally a little higher, especially among dual students. This motivates you to keep up and do your best.
“At the DSI, everyone shares a common interest in computer science. This creates a completely different dynamic to that of the Abitur.”
– Malte-Sweer Schubert
Which company was your practice partner?
I completed the DSI at Commerzbank AG.
What specifically did you do and learn there?
The first practical phases focused on preparing the students for the semester. Be it with Java basics before the first semester, agile working methods or the development of a web application before the third semester. In the later practical phases, I was able to organize things myself and take on exciting tasks with a little consultation. Also with a view to a possible Bachelor’s thesis.
What should someone who is thinking about doing the DMI know?
The DSI brings together a wide variety of personalities who share a common interest in IT. Added to this is the time spent together in the modules and at the vocational school. This creates a completely different dynamic to that of the Abitur.
Malte-Sweer has remained with his practice partner as a software developer and is completing his Master’s degree at the same time.