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Anton, what did you do before the DSI?

Abitur with training as an information technology assistant at the Utbremen school center.

Why did you choose the DSI?

I wanted to get into the world of work quickly and practical experience was very important to me. The possibility of being able to finance my studies also played a role for me,

What is the atmosphere like at the University of Bremen?

It’s definitely different from school. You meet lots of new people to spend your studies with and there is a lot more freedom in what you can do at university. The atmosphere is very pleasant and I feel welcome here.

Which company was your practice partner?

The encoway GmbH.

“You get to know lots of new people at university.”

– Anton Thinh Tran

What specifically did you do and learn there?

I am employed as an application developer and learn how to write ready-to-use software.

What should someone who is thinking about doing the DSI know?

It’s definitely not for everyone, as it’s another load of extra work. But if you had few problems with the Abitur, the DSI could be interesting. If you want to work straight away but also study, the DSI is perfect. But people who only want to study could also do the DSI, as you have direct practical relevance and can directly apply what you have learned at university. However, you should be aware that you have more duties and have to spend more time.